Beautiful I am

“I am alive!”

“Who cares!” yelled a heckler, hidden in the crowd.

“I care,” She replied. “Yes, I care. I want to be alive, I want to be here. Performing for all you people, including the douche in the back.”

“I’ve gone these past few months wondering what’s the point of anything. Why am I here? Why do I do this? Does anyone even enjoy my act anymore? Do I even like it? It all felt pointless. But as I was sitting in the crowd, admiring my friends showing up and showing off, I felt a little spark again. Yes, I’m fricking alive and it’s beautiful.”

“So screw you, Stupid voice in the crowd, but more importantly, screw you, Stupid voice in my head telling me I’m not good enough. Because Beautiful I am!”

Check out the song Beautiful I Am